Press Releases
Basin, MT, September 26, 2010: Rocky Mountain Technologies Inc. announces licensing opportunities for its IPM motor technology which offers efficiencies over 98% for traction applications. These next generationIPM motors can achieve 1kW/lb magnetic power density. Please contact Rocky Mountain Technologies for more information on exclusive and non-exclusive licensing opportunities
Basin, MT, March 8, 2010: Rocky Mountain Technologies Inc. announces the release of its new, high efficiency traction drive systems. The new line of traction motors ranges from 70 ft-lb, 100 ft-lb and 150 ft-lb. The motors are designed to operate up to 12,000 RPM with constant torque up to 5,000 RPM.. The company offers a complete drive system: motor and controller with integrated regenerative braking, battery charge management and line charger. The motors and drives offer high efficiency ( >98.3% motor efficiency and > 96.8% system efficiency) at a total weight 0f 135 lb for the 100 ft-lb motor and 35 lbs for the controller. Shipping now.
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